Stack’s March 2015 Baltimore Currency Auction Realizes $4.69M


The Stack’s Bowers Galleries March 2015 Baltimore currency sale realized $4.69 million, the company said in a news release.

Russian-American Company No Date 10 Kopeck
Russian-American Company No Date 10 Kopeck

From the Henry P. Kendall Foundation Collection, a rare seal skin Russian-American Company 10 Kopeck "Note in America," graded Choice New 63 PPQ by PCGS, brought $44,062.

"Prices were strong in categories across the board," said Peter Treglia, Director of Currency, and "bidders were eager for the material that we had to offer."

A Choice Uncirculated $50 Color Proof from the Marble Head Bank of Marblehead, Massachusetts realized $10,575. It was among the final offering of obsolete proof notes from the Peter Mayer Collection.

Marblehead, Massachusetts. Marblehead Bank. ND $50
Marblehead, Massachusetts. Marblehead Bank. ND $50

In Confederate Currency, a rare T-27 1861 $10 graded PCGS Very Fine 25 Apparent brought $8,812.50.

T-27, Confederate Currency. 1861 $10
T-27, Confederate Currency. 1861 $10

Stack’s Bowers Galleries reports that records were set for top population third-party graded Confederate type notes, including $3,055 paid for a T-65 1864 $100 graded Gem Uncirculated 66 EPQ by PMG.

Large size currency saw two half packs of Fr. 947 1914 $10 Federal Reserve Notes from Dallas sell for $44,062.50 each.

1914 $10 Federal Reserve Notes, Dallas - Half Pack
1914 $10 Federal Reserve Notes, Dallas – Half Pack

Also, a vibrant Fr. 1197 1882 $50 Gold Certificate, graded PMG Choice Uncirculated 64, rang in $19,975.

"While small size currency often takes a back seat to large size in most auctions, it was the small format notes that stole the show in the evening session of Thursday’s three-session day," describes Stack’s Bowers Galleries.

Small-sized notes realized the highest prices for the sale, led by 200 lots of high denomination and ultra-high denomination notes from the Holecek Family Foundation Collection. A half pack of Fr. 2202-B 1934A $500 FRNs from New York brought $117,500.

1934A $500 Federal Reserve Notes New York - Half Pack
1934A $500 Federal Reserve Notes New York – Half Pack

The top lot of the auction was a Fr. 2221-H 1934 $5000 FRN from St. Louis, graded PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ, and realizing $258,500.

1934 $5000 FRN from St. Louis
1934 $5000 FRN from St. Louis

The finest graded Fr. 2231-A 1934 $10,000 Federal Reserve Note from Boston graded PMG Choice Uncirculated 64 EPQ sold for $223,250.

1934 $10,000 Federal Reserve Note from Boston
1934 $10,000 Federal Reserve Note from Boston

Stack’s Bowers Galleries is now accepting currency consignments to its upcoming Official Currency Auction of the Whitman Coin & Collectibles July Expo in Baltimore, as well as its Official Currency Auction of the ANA World’s Fair of Money in August in Rosemont, Illinois.

For more information, visit the company’s website at

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