Utah Quarters are Now for Sale, Experience the Official Launch Ceremony


These Utah state quarter two-set rolls and bags are available for order now at the United States Mint websiteThe Utah quarter is ready. It’s the final state quarter for 2007, the fifth released this year and the 45th coin in the United States Mint’s 50 State Quarters® Program.

The quarters are fresh off the presses and available in special U.S. Mint rolls and bags.

The two-roll set is priced at $32.95 and includes a roll of 40 Utah quarters minted in Philadelphia and a roll of 40 quarters from Denver. The coins will bear the "P" and "D" mint marks respectively.

The 100 or 1,000-coin bags can be purchased by the mint of origin for $32.95 and $309.95. For ease, here are links to each product’s information and purchase page:

The United States Mint product announcement indicates there is no limit in how many you can order.

Although the Utah commemorative quarters are made for circulation, they do have benefits

The quarters within the rolls and bags are not what you would necessary deem, "made just for coin collectors". They’re the exact quarters made for use in every day circulation.

However, the quarters are placed in custom sewn bags or rolls, and, more importantly come directly from the Mint. You can easily get the quantity of quarters you want and by mint mark. Plus, they’re usually in better shape – they haven’t yet been dropped in cash registers, purses, pockets, etc.

Of course, you’re going to pay the Mint premium prices, plus shipping and handling ($4.95 for the rolls and 100-coin bags and $7.95 per 1000-coin bag.)

Utah commemorative quarter details and official launch ceremony information

Here are a few websites about the Utah quarter that may interest you:

And if you happen to live in or near Salt Lake City, you may be interested in attending the official Utah Quarter Launch Ceremony. It’s this Friday, November 9.

These scheduled events are located at the Rio Grande Depot:

  • 9 am – 10 am: Live musical performances, concession sales
  • 10 am – 11 am: Quarter Launch Ceremony, Rio Grande Depot portico (on the west/back side of the Rio)
  • 11 am – 2 pm: Utah Commemorative Quarters exchanges, courtesy of Zions Bank, live musical performances, collectible souvenir sales, classic/antique transportation show, the collector’s coin show, art exhibits, concession sales, and more!
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