CoinNews Adds Article Gallery, Featured Articles, Surveys and Headline Highlights


Screenshot of the websiteDuring the last several days improvements have been made to the website that’ll affect how you use the site. The main areas are within the home and article content pages.

But don’t worry… you won’t have to go through a huge learning curve. In fact, the changes should make it easier and much quicker to find what you’re wanting to read.

Home page improvements – Article Gallery, Surveys and Featured Articles

If you haven’t noticed, the HOME PAGE changes include:

  • A new Article Gallery tab toward the top. It links to a page of randomly generated article images. If an image or its headline catches your eye, you can click the image to read the actual story.
  • Polling Survey software. The latest poll is in the upper right of the site (with just two clicks, you can enter your answer and see the latest results)
  • The addition of Featured Articles. The lower portion of the website previously contained some, but not all, recent numismatic news or coin article summaries. Now you’ll see at least two complete Featured Articles.

‘Today’s Coin News’ area improvements – latest headlines with summaries

In the TODAY’S COIN NEWS section of the website:

  • The most recent FULL articles have been removed because it was difficult to easily glance through the latest headlines.
  • Now the latest headlines and article summaries are shown, enabling you to see more articles with fewer clicks and less scrolling – you can quickly catch and read what strikes your interest

Article printing enhancements

Article Printing has been added below each full article. You could always print from, but the new change greatly improves the layout of the articles for printing, taking less ink and making each easier to read. You’ll find a new print icon and a "Print this article" link toward the very bottom of each article.

More improvements coming!

Several other structural changes have been added to the site in support of further upcoming enhancements. Stay tuned!

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