US Mint Gold, Platinum and Silver Coin Sales Figures, Feb 5


US Mint Sales Figures ImageNo sales figure changes were reported this week for the remaining 2008-W American Eagle Gold Uncirculated Coins. Unusual, given other collector coins moved and coins did sell. In fact, the gold eagle four-coin set sold out Tuesday.

It will be another week of waiting to see how the US Mint updates the numbers next week.

For the second consecutive week, the 2009 Ultra-High Relief and uncirculated 2008-dated American Eagle gold coins went up in price on Thursday. The increases follow a week of higher gold prices and the Mint pricing policy that was launched on January 12.

Prices increases for one ounce, one-half ounce, one-quarter ounce and one-tenth ounce gold collector coins increased by $50, $25, $12.5 and $5, respectively. The average fixing for London gold will need to rise above $950 an ounce for further price increases, or below $900 an ounce for price reductions.

Given there were no new sales figures for the American Eagles, charts will not be listed in this week’s report.

The CoinNews Mint Coin Price Guide has been updated with the latest prices, coin premiums over bullion spots, and Mint sales figures.

The last reported sales figures are located at US Mint Gold, Platinum and Silver Coin Sales Figures, Jan 29. NumisMaster has an image of all US Mint coin sales at Sales Up for Eagle Gold, Silver Pieces.

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charles kilhenny

how can I get a 2009 high relief gold double eagle coin?


Does anyone know if the 1 oz Gold Buffalo and the 1 oz Platinum Eagle ( for bullion or proof )will ever be minted again , or was 2008 the last year ?



Michael Cash

It’s amazing to see the sales volumes and how mints and precious metals suppliers around the world have struggled to keep up with demand. It may also be interesting to note that silver and gold stockpiles in the Commodities Exchange are being depleted and may soon run out. Is this a hint to something bigger?

One thing’s for sure: You never know what your dollar will purchase in the future but you can be sure what you can get for your precious metals.