British Royal Mint Issues 2009 UK Charles Darwin £2 Coins


To commemorate the 200th anniversary of Charles Darwin’s birth on 12 February 1809 and the 150th anniversary of the publication of Darwin’s ‘On the Origin of Species by Means of Natural Selection‘, the British Royal Mint has struck a series of limited edition proof and uncirculated collector £2 coins.

2009 UK Charles Darwin £2 Silver and Gold Proof Coins

Charles Darwin is known throughout the world for his theory of evolution, which in the most recognized and simplistic description states that man descended from apes. It is this idea or theme that Suzie Zamit portrayed when she designed the reverse or tails side of the Darwin coin.


"My immediate idea was to depict Darwin looking back into the past so the starting point was to have him in full or 3/4 profile on one side and there were a variety of options for the other," Zamit explained on the Mint’s site. "I decided having Darwin and an ape was the simplest and most recognizable way of saying EVOLUTION."


The obverse or heads side of each legal tender coin features the current portrait of Her Majesty The Queen by Ian Rank-Broadley FRBS. The coin edge includes the inscription "ON THE ORIGIN OF SPECIES 1859."

The Royal Mint has issued three coins struck in different alloys, with the following specifications and prices:

BU Coin
12 gms
28.4 mm
Silver Proof Coin
.925 Silver
12 gms
28.4 mm
Gold Proof Coin
22 Carat Gold
15.95 gms
28.4 mm

Orders may be placed from around the world through the Mint’s online store.

About the Royal Mint

The Royal Mint is a department of government and its primary responsibility remains the provision of the United Kingdom coinage. Its reputation, however, extends beyond this and internationally it has a reputation for making some fascinating coins for over 100 countries.

The history of the Royal Mint itself stretches back over 1100 years. There is an unbroken link from the scattered workshops of the moneyers of Anglo-Saxon London to a single mint within the Tower of London, from a purpose-built premises at Tower Hill to the huge modern coining plant in South Wales.

In April 1975 the Mint was established as a Government Trading Fund, operationally very similar to a government-owned company.

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Mark R Collins

The 2009 Darwin Brilliant Uncirculated Coin is packaged with an error it the text on card that carries the coin, referring to botanist J.S. Henslow as “JR Henslow”.


Where do i sell the darwin and monkey coin??


Where do i sell the Darwin and monkey coin ??


Where Can i Sell my Charles Darwin Coin


Where can i sell my darwin coin?

tracy lock

Can you tell me where i can sell my Darwin and Monkey £2 coin?


how many ordinary Darwin and Burns £2 coins have been minted.Are they worth saving.


I got given this coin as change from a store today, not sure which type it is – not the gold one but possibly the silver or bi-metal one, how do i tell?


can you pleases let me know when and where i can sell dawrin and monkey £2.00 coins ? thank you

katie wilson

please can you tell me how much 1809-2009 charles darwin £2.00 coin silver and gold and where can you sell them .

kelly thomas

could you please tell me how much my coin would sell for and where i can sell it .It is a darwin and the monkey 2009 many thanks kelly

kelly thomas

can you please tell me where i can sell my Darwin and the monkey £2 coin and how much for many thanks

J B Bell

That “most recognized” and “simplistic” reckoning of the descent of humankind is also wrong. We did not descend from apes, rather apes and humans share a common ancestor, now extinct. Neither Darwin, nor any evolutionary scientist worth their salt, has ever maintained that simplistic, mistaken reckoning.

george brace

can you pleases let me know when and where i can sell dawrin and monkey £2.00 coins ? thank you


To Every one asking the same QUESTION!!!



Good morning , please could you tell me how many Darwin/monkey coins have been made , also the difference with the three metals .
Thank you .


Have a darwin two pound d coin with a two in printed how much is this worth

lynsay smith

The Darwin n ape coin isn’t worth anything 2.95 a beleive u have a 1/150 chance of getting that particular coin in ur change a have one aswell a been doing research the 1809 and a chain on it is worth 100/200 keep ur eyes peeled for that coin x