PNG Announces New Members


PNG LogoThe Board of Directors of the Professional Numismatists Guild (PNG) has ratified the applications for ten new PNG members and three affiliate members.

"We are all delighted to welcome these new PNG members. They all have outstanding credentials and experience, and they have pledged to follow the PNG Code of Ethics in the buying and selling of numismatic merchandise," said PNG Executive Director Robert Brueggeman.

Recently accepted as PNG Regular Members are:

  • Allan Beegle of Liberty Coin Service in Lansing Michigan (;
  • Steve Harrison of Kedzie Koin & Jewelry, Chicago, Illinois (;
  • Jeff Kierstead of and Jeff Kierstead Rare Coins, Goffstown, New Hampshire (;
  • Richard Lecce of Robert B. Lecce Numismatist, Inc., Boca Raton, Florida (;
  • Joseph O’Connor of O’Connor Numismatics, LLC, New Lenox, Illinois (;
  • William Paul of American Heritage Minting, Inc., Jenkintown, Pennsylvania (;
  • Kitty Quan of Panda America Corp., Torrance, California (;
  • David Schroeder of DSS Coin & Bullion, Omaha, Nebraska (;
  • James Sego of JMS Coins, Naperville, Illinois (; and
  • Larry Shapiro of Larry Shapiro Rare Coins, Rancho Palos Verde, California (

Ratified as PNG Affiliate Members were two employees of Liberty Coin Service in Lansing Michigan (, Thomas Coulson and Paul Manderscheid; and Donald Whritenour of Gary Adkins Associates, Inc., Edina, Minnesota (

"The PNG encourages and welcomes other professional numismatists to apply for membership. The PNG motto is "Knowledge, Integrity, Responsibility," and we encourage and welcome other professional numismatists to apply for and benefit from PNG membership," said PNG President Jeff Bernberg.

The qualifications for consideration of an applicant to be selected for PNG Regular membership are:

  1. Be at least 21 years of age and have at least five years experience as a professional numismatist;
  2. Have a net worth at all times of at least $250,000;
  3. Agree by signature to abide by the PNG Code of Ethics;
  4. Agree to submit to legally binding arbitration to settle any dispute relating to the purchase, sale or trade of coins and numismatic items;
  5. Provide a notarized statement from a certified public account that he/she meets or exceeds the financial requirements of the PNG.

PNG Associate membership is available to employees of Regular members and to persons expressing an intention to apply for Regular membership within three years of acceptance as an Associate member. To be considered for Associate membership, the applicant must

  1. Be at least 21 years of age and have two years experience as a professional numismatist;
  2. Have a numismatic net worth at all times of at least $25,000;
  3. Agree by signature to abide by the PNG Code of Ethics;
  4. Agree to submit to legally binding arbitration to settle any dispute relating to the purchase, sale or trade of coins and numismatic items;
  5. Provide a notarized statement from a certified public account that he/she meets or exceeds the financial requirements of the PNG.

PNG Affiliate membership is open to any individual who is not a professional numismatist but is affiliated with the numismatic community and supports the principles of PNG.

The PNG has 270 members in the United States and seven other countries: 235 Regular Members, 20 Associate Members and 15 Affiliate Members.

For additional information and membership applications, contact Tina Shireman at PNG headquarters at (951) 587-8300 or by email at

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