![Cultural Ambassador Kareem Abdul-Jabbar Engages Youth](http://www.coinnews.net/wp-content/uploads/2017/01/Cultural-Ambassador-Kareem-Abdul-Jabbar-Engages-Youth-300x169.jpg)
Kareem Abdul-Jabbar will step down from the Citizens Coinage Advisory Committee (CCAC).
The CCAC is responsible for advising the Secretary of the Treasury on themes and designs pertaining to all United States coins and medals. The CCAC is an 11-member panel. Members serve four-year terms with each position dedicated to certain qualifications.
Mr. Abdul-Jabbar informed the Acting Deputy Director of the United States Mint, David Croft, of his intentions to step down from the committee due to increasing personal obligations.
"It has been an honor to have Mr. Abdul-Jabbar on the CCAC this past year, and we appreciate his work in reviewing the projects that went before the committee during his tenure," Croft said.
Representing the interests of the general public, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar was appointed to the CCAC in January 2017.
Abdul-Jabbar, a renowned former professional basketball player who is an avid coin collector, became interested in numismatics based on his love of history and his study of Alexander Hamilton. He has agreed to remain on the CCAC until a successor is appointed, and remains committed to advancing numismatics, especially among minorities.
We can all be grateful for his contributions to the advisory panel; he will be missed.
An ex basketball player and a coin adviser all in one? Ahahahaha. Well he must be one frugal individual.
Of course Kareem Abdul Jabbar played basketball professionally, but to say that that is all that defines him is to shortchange the man mightily. He is in fact quite the multifaceted person, one who has been given to usefully employing his many other impressive talents by keeping all manner of interesting and influential irons in the fire, so to speak. Over his many years of prominence in American and international public life he has indeed developed into someone in the vein of the late great Muhammad Ali, becoming a broadly appreciated leader and quite the powerful role model to a… Read more »
Ok. This article mentions of his “certain qualifications”? What were they? An avid coin and stamp collector himself? Cultural advisor? Art advisor? Economic advisor? Just quriouse.
Never mind. He’s an avid coin collector. A minus for me.
As far as I’m concerned, that’s a big PLUS for you for catching that fact about Kareem upon re-reading the article, and as a result I’ve already made sure to post a well-deserved “+” after your comment above. 🙂
Oh, did I forget to mention that he’s incredibly talented, fantastically successful, enormously admired, fabulously rich, and, oh yeah, he’s black…yeah, there is that. :hmm:
It’s just too easy to flush out racism; takes the fun out of it! :chuckle:
Thank you for the pluse, my pluses to you don’t seam to make any difference though.
I don’t think there was a place for mentioning racism though. I haven’t mentioned it and no one else mentioned it. My assumption (proven wrong) was that he was a basketball player and because of that had no interest in collecting coins. With making hundreds of thousands if not millions playing and casting one would assume (again, I was proven wrong) who has interest in coins.
Look, it is not at all surprising that no racist worthy of the name would ever be caught dead spontaneously bringing up the subject of racism because no racist on earth would ever go so far as to be freely willing to make an open, public admission of their own inclinations in this particularly despicable direction.
Agree. Yet it wasn’t mentioned, at least not by me. One cannot throw it around and make assumptions. It’s not inherent as advertised.
I think you are right, and I’m sorry about that, vadim. What I thought was a typical, ordinary racist attack instead turned out to be just the beginnings of a particularly intensive and unusually vicious troll assault and barrage on this entire site that reached its inglorious maximum on yet another one of our threads here last night. Whenever that abusive individual and any of his fellow agitators and troublemakers show up things tend to get more than a little bit rowdy here for a short while, but in the more inclusive sense it’s really not any sort of a… Read more »
Yo Vadim,
Collecting coins is known as the hobby of Kings in case you didn’t know. He’s not the only sports legend to collect coins either, there are many. With that said, they don’t advertise it for obvious reasons, security. Frugal has absolutely nothing to do with collecting coins. For all anyone knows, he has a collection of Carson City gold coins! 😉
OK, One of the finest players of his day on the court, but are we not all at least avid coin collectors? Some of us very aware of the social economic and political world we live in. I love history, keep up to date on world and national events. I consider myself very informed. I also am very concerned about how the world is changing. I’m certain many on this site would consider themselves to be the same. I think good Ol Lew Alcindor (fine basketball player he was), hangs with the “elite” crowd as so many celebs do and… Read more »
“Kareem Abdul-Jabbar to Step Down from CCAC” — May be they replace him with Kukla, Fran and Ollie 😉
Too late; they gave up any interest in coin collecting when they retired to Palm Springs. Now it’s all just slow games of shuffleboard and lazy afternoon naps in the sun.
It’s a great thing that he was an ambassador / avid numismatist. Devoting ones time (free time) for anything related to the advancement of numismatics is something to admire. Would love to see his coin collection, sure he has some historical gems and his knowledge / education would be of benefit.
It’s refreshing to see that there is at the very least one other collector here who understands what’s really what regarding Mr. Abdul-Jabbar and fully recognizes the possibility of making other contributions to society that someone like one of the greatest basketball players of all time was able and willing to bring to many different aspects of his life, in this particular case to numismatics. And I’m rather certain you are correct; his must indeed be quite the spectacular collection! 🙂
Well i* hope all is fine for the *master of the sky*hook, great gamer! I* played a mean*game of *outs in my day! Hey *CCAC! I*m open to step *up for Mr.*Jabbar, *i will always be *committed advancing *numismatics to the *world & *all walks of human*life & animal* & plant*life, or whatever else is out*there! *I just might be a little over your *qualifications, *i hope you don*t mind, i* sure don*t want to *show*up anybody, but *i will take my*personal obligations with me, good* & not so good, *seaing we all have them, so that should be no… Read more »
Joe Brown,
I knew you could be counted on to be both willing and eager to fill some VERY large shoes – ONE will likely suffice for BOTH your feet – and slide right into that soon to be empty seat at the “U.S. Mint Advisors & Pan-American Coin Enthusiasts Round Table”, so to speak. You’ve got MY vote! 😎
Joe Brown,
Do you think that Mildew or Miltown or whatever his goofy name is might just be the kamikaze troll? That’s MY guess anyway. 😉
thanks for your vote *old*collector*, so that’s one!*Grin, your right tho i* will not be able walk in his sneakers! Maybe walk on *water, more like it! I*ll be needing a new pair of 11*1/2 *con*all*stars high*tops, ivory* if i* come across them! Time to move on this day, good *1 to *u,*smile.
bty, forgot to answer your last?, i*ll let you know when i* get back from *ccac interview with the whole *committy!![:mrgreen:](https://www.coinnews.net/wp-includes/images/smilies/mrgreen.png)
You’re more than welcome, Joe Brown. I can’t imagine a member of our little numismatic community here who would be more ready and willing and able to follow in The Big Man’s footsteps, whether or not that involves crossing water by sole (soul?) of shoe or not! Once you do get properly attired and firmly girded, so to speak, with those fabulously hip high tops (in your near future) you might just consider slipping a lucky coin – of your own choosing, of course – under each of their securely tightened laces to help transport you skyward onto the right… Read more »
You know what they say about committees (like this one) – a camel is a horse designed by a committee!
Seth Riesling,
Leave it to you to come up with that one…I love it! This is why I come here; thanks to great people – and “avid collectors” – like you and Mouse and Joe Brown and others like you this site is a treasure house of good stories, good times and last but most definitely not least, good humor. Here’s to us and our joy of Happy Collecting all around! 😳
Old Collector ~ Keep on! Keep on! You are you! Your the *top*quality* stuff! Top*Shelf, the more the merry!*smile. I*m sending a band of Heavenly*Angels to set them *free! Like it say*s, weather a *penny or twenty, it caught my eye, cause *i like looking at money, ”’holy*smoke, a half*century ago”’, & it has not changed, it only gets stronger along with your *faith, & i*m no holy*roller, which most might think,*smile but that fine with *me! But *i said to my*self, if its *good enough to print*it on *all my*country*s money, then it has to be, *TRUE! All we… Read more »
Joe Brown, I can surely always make use of that sort timely and kind reminder as to what is and what is not in the entirety of THE BIG PICTURE as important and equally as pertinent as to the how and why of it. After all, it is much too easy to get caught up in the mundane minutiae of daily – or hourly, for that matter – life and to thereby so easily and casually forget what exactly it is that we are all here for regarding the all-inclusiveness of ourselves and of ourselves with others. Thankfully, we do… Read more »
yaup! it’s very easy to let someone with negative energy walking against the spin of *gods world, because they will never get there walking that way, & they want you to join them, That’s how the peg-headed-1 operates, nothing will please the evil 1 more, is when one of the evil-ones people, rents negative-energy in you head! It’s not easy, but we got to keep our heads clear*, the more we stay in touch with our *higher*power* the better off we *all will be, to keep walking in the *right path of our*makers *world, the *1 & only *1 that… Read more »
The “peg-headed one”; I like that. Yes indeed, negative thinking has an exceedingly clever and rather insidious way of creeping up on us when we’re distracted and engaged otherwise, and there’s more than enough of those tricky diversions to forever try to deceive us by pulling the smoking wool and shiny mirrors over our eyes, and not just these days but almost certainly always. Most fortunately, through one unbelievably lucky turn and one absolutely amazing break after another, over these seven decades of having dealt with the varied and sundried difficulties of trying to walk past all the impediments and,… Read more »
Joe Brown & Old Collector –
I like your comment Joe about G-D taking a break on the 7th day, but I like to think He had a cup of strong coffee & a Twinkie instead of a cigarette! LOL.
Keep up the positive thinking & great karma energy gentlemen & of course our beloved coin hobby. Spread the word.
Happy collecting!
Seth Riesling,
Thank you so very much for your uplifting endorsement; it is very much appreciated! As to the refreshment chosen by the Universal Entity, I would come down on the side of herbal tea and yogurt, and if that is in fact all that divides us then our differences are essentially immaterial. Since good karma leads to even better karma, piling it on is in this case a splendid course of action indeed. 💡
Seth Riesling – To be honest with ya, *i figured our maker of*everything, hung out for a spell in the *garden of *E, & twisted up a fatty of that *7th *heaven*weed, then a little latter down the line, ate a box of Twinkies & washed it down with a big*cup of ice*cold *jo, & took a *nap under a shade*tree by the waterfall, went for a dip upon awaking, then carried on!*smile, now i*m hungry and thirsty for a box of *twink*s & ice*coffee, & love nothing more than to take a dip in the *falls. 😎
Joe Brown – It’s so much nicer to hear a description from someone having a very pleasant vision of a truly benevolent and fun-loving deity than one who is pictured as being all up into a whole lot of frightening Sturm und Drang; after all, we already have more than enough of the latter right here on earth! 💡
Old Collector –
Actually, along with my coin hobby I am a green tea aficionado & eat Greek strain yogurt daily. I haven’t had a Twinkie since 1986 & never smoked, but I have to have my French Roast coffee to start my engine! LOL
There is an idea – a coffee/tea cafe for collectors of all types of items to share caffeine & knowledge.
Some people really need a “LIFE” lol zzzzzzzz!!
You can always move to Florida build a house with Neal Communities play a lot of Pickle Ball and hope your house doesn’t fall down!! lol
did u* rebuild after your’s fell down, or just say, the hell with it, & play pickle*ball all day & night, u* seem to know what u* are talking about! *Please tell me more! 😈
Seth Riesling, my very first order of business was to zap the “-1” somebody had tagged you with by applying a compensatory “+1” of my own, thereby zeroing out your tally; it’s indeed always my great pleasure to be able to do that for my friends as my own little part of our collective ongoing saga of anti-trolling efforts. That’s funny about the Greek yogurt, since I make a point of starting every day with exactly that and my own favorite type of dark roast coffee also; great minds clearly do think alike! By the way, I don’t smoke, drink,… Read more »
I’ve been away for a little while and noticed the new look. What is the deal with the + and – ? I know it is a vote up or down but what is the purpose or reason for the votes?
It’s impossible to answer your question at this point since we haven’t been given the rationale for this relatively new development. What we CAN tell you is that the TROLLS are having a field day with it; this has given them a whole new lease on what they like to pretend is a life.
Happy collecting, and welcome back! 🙂
Whatever. I’m just interested to know when they’ll take applications for the replacement…