Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department to Host Numismatic Crime Investigations Class


NCIC logoThe Jefferson County Sheriff’s Department will host an in-depth Numismatic Crime Investigations class on Oct. 12, 2018 in Beaumont, Texas.

The class will be presented by the Numismatic Crime Information Center (NCIC) and will provide attendees with the basic skills, knowledge and resources to effectively investigate a crime related to coins, paper money and related numismatic items. The class is accredited by the Texas Commission on Law Enforcement and each attendee will receive 8 hours of inservice credit.

"We are excited that Jefferson County authorities contacted NCIC to present the class in their area after seeing the Philadelphia ANA class advertised in a national law enforcement publication, said Doug Davis Founder/President of NCIC. "The class comes at a pivotal time when Roma gangs are targeting coin shops, thefts at coin shows are increasing and the problem of counterfeits continue to plague the numismatic industry."

NCIC teams up with PCGS, PCGS Currency, NGC, PMG and ANACS to bring examples and knowledge to the class room experience. In addition, NCIC works closely with the Anti Countrefeiting Task Force and includes a portion of the curriculum to address the increasing counterfeit problem.

"NCIC has conducted classes across the country and we are now seeing that law enforcement is beginning to take notice and recognizing the importance of educating investigators about this specialized area of investigations," Davis added.

The NCIC’s crime alert network and investigative resources are dedicated to making a difference in the fight against numismatic crimes. The center’s resources are available to dealers, collectors and law enforcement and offense reports may be submitted 24 hours per day, seven days a week, through a special form on the center’s website.

The Numismatic Crime Information Center is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit corporation whose mission is to serve as a national and international resource for collectors, dealers and law enforcement in the education, prevention and investigation of crimes involving coins, paper money, tokens, medals and related numismatic items. It is supported entirely by donations from the Numismatic Community. All donations are tax deductible.

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