Flowing Hair Silver Medal Launches on 230th Anniversary of First U.S. Dollar

Launching on the anniversary of the original coin, the U.S. Mint's 230th Anniversary Flowing Hair Silver Medal is limited to 75,000 pieces, with 1,794 featuring a special "230" privy mark


Celebrating the anniversary of the first dollar coin ever struck by the U.S. federal government, the United States Mint will release the 230th Anniversary Flowing Hair Silver Medal today at noon ET.

The U.S. Mint unveiled images of the 230th Anniversary Flowing Hair Silver Medal
U.S. Mint images of the 230th Anniversary Flowing Hair Silver Medal

The medal is a modern reproduction of Robert Scot’s 1794 Flowing Hair dollar, first issued on October 15, 1794. Composed of 1 troy ounce of 99.9% pure silver, it’s priced at $104 with a limited mintage of 75,000 pieces.

"Commemorate a landmark in American history with the return of the 1794 flowing hair design," the U.S. Mint stated in a promotional email. "Struck in 99.9% fine silver, the 230th Anniversary Flowing Hair Silver Medal replicates the original 1794 obverse and reverse designs from the first dollar coin struck by the U.S. Mint. Showcasing intricate detailing, this medal celebrates the triumphant return of this 230-year-old legacy."

Further celebrating the design’s history, 1,794 of the medals will include a special "230" privy mark. Of these, 230 will come with a certificate of authenticity signed by U.S. Mint Director Ventris C. Gibson.

US Mint image 2024 Flowing Hair Silver Medal with 230 Privy Mark
U.S. Mint image of a 2024 Flowing Hair Silver Medal with a “230” privy mark

Scot’s Flowing Hair dollar was only minted in 1794 and 1795 before being replaced by the Draped Bust dollar. In 1794, just 1,758 were struck. Due to its limited production and the passage of time, fewer than 150 are thought to remain today. In 2013, one of these rare dollars sold for over $10 million, setting a record for the highest price ever paid for a single coin at that time.

Flowing Hair Silver Medal Designs

Robert Scot served as the chief engraver of the United States Mint from 1793 until his death in 1823. The obverse (heads side) of the medal features a recreation of Scot’s historic Flowing Hair design, with a portrait of Liberty facing right, surrounded by 15 stars representing the states that had ratified the Constitution by 1794. "LIBERTY" appears above, as it did on the original dollar coin, now accompanied by a "2024" date inscription.

The reverse (tails side) continues to honor the original 1794 design, depicting a laurel wreath encircling an eagle with spread wings at the center, an early precursor to the American heraldic eagle. The inscription reads "UNITED STATES OF AMERICA."

Medal Specifications

Denomination: N/A
Finish: Uncirculated
Composition: 99.9% silver
Weight: 1.000 troy ounce
Diameter: 1.598 inches (40.60 mm)
Edge: Plain
Mint and Mint Mark: Philadelphia – none
Privy Mark: "230" on 1,794 of the medals



The 230th Anniversary Flowing Hair Silver Medal can be ordered directly from the United States Mint starting at noon ET by visiting the Mint’s online store page for Silver Medals.

The U.S. Mint has set an initial household order limit of one medal.

Additionally, a 230th Anniversary Flowing Hair High Relief Gold Coin is scheduled for release on November 14. Struck from 24-karat gold at the West Point Mint, this coin will have a limited mintage of just 17,500.

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Kaiser Wilhelm

My favorite part is that they left the date where it was originally and didn’t center it.

Kaiser Wilhelm



My humble advice to you Kaiser,
Make an exception to your Silver Medal rule, just this once..
Buy one today!
You never know?

Kaiser Wilhelm


I have the distinct feeling I am going to have to disregard my rule just this once, and I want to thank you sincerely for having helped me make up my mind.

Kaiser Wilhelm


I wonder if the aftermarket price of one of these Medals with a Privy Mark and the Signed COA will be higher than that for the “paired” Gold Coin?


Yes initially, especially when considering the Mint OGP price for the gold…
Will it last?
FOMO is powerful.
But so is that 1794 Privy Mintage, very powerful!

Last edited 7 hours ago by Rick
Domenic Vaiasicca

I caved and got 1 too… ya never know…. damn mint tactics!

Mike Petraitis

I called the US mint on Monday and asked the person who is going to get the 1794 special 230 mark medals she told me the first 1794 people who order them will get them.I called back a few hours later and asked another person who will get the 1794 special mark coins she said they do not know which coins have them and which ones do not they pull them off the shelf and it is unknown which ones have them.There are people who have them listed on E bay already and the bids are over $5.000 so what… Read more »


i called and was informed it would be random too…like wonka’s golden ticket.


Only one per household…
And 50 friends, family, colleagues, employees, pawns, etc have their own household.
It happens every time there’s a hot release.

Kaiser Wilhelm

Rick and Mike Petraitis,

Not to mention the organized Buying Clubs that have thousands of adherents.

East Coast Guru

$5,300 for a MS-70 advanced release flowing hair with the privey. Advanced release. What is the definition of that in this situation?

Kaiser Wilhelm

East Coast Guru,

For a $104 Mint item that is both unadulterated greed and sheer insanity.

By the way, the hammer of fate just dropped on me; I got bounced out of the Waiting Room with no apparent way to get back in.


That sucks Kaiser. Got mine w/no problems. I hope you can hop back in and get one.

East Coast Guru

Keep trying. Or reboot your computer. This medal won’t sellout today. Plenty of time. It will sellout tomorrow when the one per person limit is lifted. I still don’t get how dealers get an advanced release privey. However, they will only sell 4 of these priveys. Regular medals are PCGS $122 ms-69 and $200 for ms-70 regular medal.

Last edited 8 hours ago by East Coast Guru

You can order “advanced release” labels from the TPG’s if you are an authorized bulk submitter to said TPG’s(100+ coin submission)..
As far as getting some privies, that’s the numbers game/chance that they play with the use of their pawns that order for them, not to mention the lifting of the household limit(as you mentioned)increasing their chances for the privy …
That’s my take anyway.

Keep Calm & Stack On

ECG – “However, they will only sell 4 of these priveys” – can you add some color around that comment please… Like you, I’ve been at this for a while and have studied these releases closely over the years, it’s my understanding that dealers are able to buy undisclosed lots in advance prior to release day, so be it fine, though for items with a HHL of 1, and a one-off ultra low Mintage of 1794 of a privy, I think the USM really needs to be crystal clear transparent on the distribution of the ‘one-offs’ Welcome any other insight… Read more »

Last edited 6 hours ago by Keep Calm & Stack On
East Coast Guru

KCSO, I played with the ordering of the MS-70 with privey for $5k and when I tried to order 5 of these medals, it would only let me order 4. I assume they don’t want over extend themselves by taking on more orders than they think they will get from all their ordering mules. Curious what they will charge for a MS-69 with privey.


I just logged back in at 12:44pmET and it looks like they’re still available. Fingers crossed Kaiser you can get one.

Last edited 7 hours ago by ChrisTerp

Kaiser, You can also try a different browser. It doesn’t seem like there is any wait time any more. Doesn’t appear to be a sellout as of 12:25 PM.


Ha ha ha – that will be more expensive than the gold coin version 😮


hoping to get 1 of the 230 signed certs!


Secured mine at 12:02pm today. Winner, winner, chicken dinner 😉


Me too at 15sec. Hope for the 230 privy.


Yes Victor! I will be surprised to get the 230 privy – maybe get a heart attack. If I get one, I’ll play the lottery that night b/c I must have the best luck that day.


12:22 pm confirmation email from US Mint on purchase 🙂

E 1

My order went through at 9:02AM PST

E 1

Received E-mail conformation at 9:21AM PST

E 1
E 1

A 2.39% chance of a Silver Privy Mark.


I just got 1 ordered. I was in the waiting room for around 1 minute. now just have to wait if i got the golden privy and ticket. good luck folks.


Well I ordered one really quick on my laptop. I was trying to purchase on my phone but that blue product availability page just never took me to the coin. I hope I get the 230 privy mark because I intend to send it in for grading and flip it.


No website hangups. I placed my order at 12:02PM or 12:03PM EDT. I’m never lucky so I’m not counting on the 230 privy.


My order also went through at 12:02pm ET. Entered waiting room at 11:50am ET. After a 10 minute wait, I was in the site at 12 noon. Good luck to all of us hoping to get the privy mark medal (and maybe even the signed COA)!


I was in the waiting room for about 15 minutes. Dare I say that the design and history are enough to make it a compelling purchase? With or without the privy mark?
1794 is not a lot. 5k preorder may be a steal. There used to be something called, “Strong Hands” so I think it likely a quarter to possibly well over half of them will never hit the market.


What’s a waiting room? I went in at 12:51 EDT and got right in. Since only one available per order, I went right to payment. Beats the fiasco of 2021. I see the gold ones are already on eBay. Go figure. I doubt any of us will get one with the privy mark. The select dealers get those. These silver medals are already being advertised at $249 to $395. Guess I already made my money back and then some.


When you go to the US Mint Catalog page they don’t always take you right there. They had the waiting room before 12:00 EDT to limit the number of user on the site. My desktop showed me a 6 minute wait to go to the catalog. My laptop brought me in immediately so I could get the medal as as fast as I select it and check out. By 12:51 EDT a lot of the initial activity probably subsided so you got right in. The USM has had the waiting room before. I remembered in the past the system would… Read more »


But not today. I remember when I ordered my 1995 Gold Coin Set with W Silver Eagle. Had to mail the order form in. No internet to order from back then. That Silver Eagle I knew would be a coin to have. I could only afford one but I’ve made my money back many times over. I feel privileged to own one. Sure it’s only a PF68 by PCGS but I have one.


All of this hype makes me remember PT Barnum. So happy I quit the game. Feels more like Pokémon than coin collecting any more.
I’ll stick to looking for that extra V penny and 2024 nickels – Much cheaper and better bang for the buck to me.
Good luck to y’all FOMOs

E 1

2023 Extra V Population Update:

NGC (10/14/24): Number Certified: 347

PCGS (10/14/24): Number Certified: 137

ANACS (10/14/24): Number Certified: 153

Total Number Certified to date by all 3 TPGs (10/14/24): 637

Not many authenticated Extra Vs exist and the certification rate is declining.


I just got my first 2024 AWQ in a roll of quarters Saturday, October 12th. This is the longest that I’ve waited to get a new coin. I have 3 or 4 2024 cents. No nickels or dimes yet. Where are all the 2024 coins?


They are sent directly back to be melted. That process is in the loop. Another way government increases inflation.

But seriously I haven’t seen many in circulation either

Salivate Metal

Placed my order as well. It’s a piece of history. It would’ve been nice if they could’ve got Congressional authorization to make it a coin. But it’s worthy to commemorate this special occasion.

Keep Calm & Stack On

If you placed your order at 12:00, 1:00, 2:00, 3:00 pm – can you list your time and order number MINUS the last two digits?

For example, USM148470xx,  (my order at 12:08)

I want to calculate the number of orders, and the rate of orders per hour..,

Don’t freak out, this has been done dozens of time on MNB over the years, & no one can comprise your order,

Again, looking for top of the hour order numbers (minus the last two digits), For 12, 1, 2, & 3 pm….


Keep Calm & Stack On

There were at least 8,600 orders placed between 12:05 and 12:12..,
(So banging out ~ 1,200 orders / minute for that time block)

Looking for a starting order at 12:00 pm,

& 1 pm, & 2 pm…, thanks

Last edited 5 hours ago by Keep Calm & Stack On
E 1

9:02AM PT

Confirmed USM148422XX 

John Moore

My order was confirmed at 12:22 148412XX


My order is at he same range as John Moore
USM148412XX The confirmation time was 12:21PM EDT but I get an “order received” e-mail at 12:02PM EDT which was when my transaction was complete. Even a 1PM number or a 12:30PM number would be interesting. I’m guessing about 16,000 were sold by 12:12 PM.


My order was confirmed at 12:03 148457XX


I received my confirmation too. I’ll go back to sleep now. 😀


12:08 est 148536xx

East Coast Guru

Only 2 left at $5,300 PCGS MS-70 with privey. I don’t think that medal will have legs in the long run.

John Q. Coinage

Well, I’m not sure about breaking my boycott of the mint. As a cruise through the mint available items I know if the 2023 American liberty metal is available with unlimited cartridges. As with this FH here, MINTAGE 75,000 that’s a LOT FOR A MEDALA….I think now the bronco may have finally sold out. Just not sure if I buy one —>It’s because of my gambling nature, 3% isn’t very good odds, kind of white hitting 20 in Blackjack…..

Major D

Despite all the hype surrounding this release I expect it to be around for a while with mintage limit of 75,000. The 2023 Amer Liberty 1-oz silver medal was released on Aug 10, 2023 with the same mintage limit and so far, only 34,946 have sold as of Oct 13, 2024. The chance of a privy or signed coa will result in more initial sales, but there will be many, many returns.

East Coast Guru

Yep, lots of returns if people/dealers etc don’t get a privey or autograph or a 70 grade.


Rich, So, have you been able to figure out how many Sales there were today? I wonder just how long it’s going to take to Sell Out. I’m having second thoughts about it even Selling Out tomorrow. This could take a while. The only thing it has going for it to insure a Sell Out is the Privy & signed COA. If not for that, it could take a few months to Sell Out. It’s going to be interesting. If it was a coin and not a Medal, it would Sell Out tomorrow, my opinion!!! I’d probably load up on… Read more »


AK Bob, as Major D just suggested, this medal will probably not sell out for some time to come. I do not know the sales figures for today, but would venture to guess that about 25,000 medals will be sold by noon tomorrow, during the first 24 hours of sales. And by the end of the week, the sales through Sunday may be about 35,000 – 40,000 (just a guess). I agree with your comments on the Flowing Hair Gold Coin – yes the mintage should have been 10,000 (12,500 maximum).

Major D


Last edited 59 seconds ago by Major D
Major D

Rich, that’s a good guess on the sales through Sunday. Just for fun, I’m going to say a bit less, 25,000 medals through Sunday, Oct 20 (6 days). For comparison, the 2023 Am Liberty (23DB) had sales of 21,308 for the 4 days after release (Aug 10 to Aug 13, 2023): US Mint Sales: 2023 American Liberty Products Debut (coinnews.net)

Major D

And the 2024 L&B (24YB) had sales of 16,218 for the 4 days after release (Feb 8 to Feb 11): US Mint Sales: 2024 Liberty & Britannia Products Debut (coinnews.net). Both of these silver medals (and the 2022 Am Lib) also had 75,000 mintage limit- however, 24YB is currently unavailable at 33,183 sales. The unknown is whether the mintage for FH (24YH) will take after the L&B or the 2022 Am Liberty (22DB) with 74,415. I personally would be happy to see the FH medal mintage cap out below 34K.


USM148570XX @ 12:13

Question for all – do you personally know anyone or did anyone here reading this get a signed COA for greatest Generation?

I’d be curious to know?

Keep Calm & Stack On

To those that posted your order sequence, thanks much, it helps to figure these releases out.., so I appreciate it!  From past experiences with much better data points, on these hot releases, typically the sales are rapid and consistent from 12:00 to 12:15 EST, then tapper off significantly, and then down to a trickle by 12:40, and then picks up around 3:00 pm EST as the Left Coast is on lunch…  By my estimates –  There was upwards of 3,000 orders per minutes for the several minutes, then tapered to around 2,000, and by 12:10 down to 1,000+/min.,  By 12:15,… Read more »

Keep Calm & Stack On

Anyone have a recent order number this evening ?

Or around 2 or 3 pm EST?

Again, only need the 123xx and the time you ‘placed’ the order,