Blog Page 1250
Mercury Dimes – Coins of Beauty
As an amateur coin collector, I am always pleased to find when my thoughts are in agreement with many numismatists. One such example of...
Spain Seizes U.S. Treasure Hunter’s Ship
The battle heated up even further over what may be a $500 million treasure of gold and silver coins recently discovered within a sunken...
Changing the Landscape
We’re pleased to announce the addition of new content on Some days are slow on the news front for coins and coin collecting...
United States Mint Reacts to COTY Award
A week ago first wrote about the United States Marine Corps 230th Anniversary Silver Dollar winning the World Coin News 2007 Coin of...
Defining Coin Surfaces – Obverse, Reverse, Rim and Edge, Part Two
Click here to read Part One of Defining Coin Surfaces - Obverse, Reverse, Rim and Edge
In turning the corner to part two of this...
Defining Coin Surfaces – Obverse, Reverse, Rim and Edge, Part...
Casually hearing some coin collecting terms and then later trying to recall them often brings a cloudy haze through a new collector’s mind.
Legislation Introduced for Civil-rights Coin
A bill was introduced in the House and then Senate calling for a new commemorative coin honoring the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Civil...
Coin Shows Bring Out the Best
First, let me preface all this by saying I've only been to two coin shows in my entire life. And those were recent. I'm...
Review: Thumbs up to COINage Magazine
COINage Magazine is one the top U.S. coin magazines in the market. What makes this magazine stand out more than others is the amount...
House Rethinks the Presidential $1 Coin
It’s been a week since the House passed an amendment, 295-127, to change the design of the $1 Presidential Coin. There is nothing new...